Help the victims of the Morocco earthquake

The powerful earthquake that struck Morocco on September 8, 2023, where CACIQUE has many friends, colleagues, and acquaintances, leaving thousands dead and injured, caused considerable damage in the famous tourist city of Marrakech and surrounding villages. CACIQUE has decided to provide a donation of JPY 100,000 in response to the appeal for the donation by the Japan Morocco Association, believing that it should be allocated as a priority to helping victims, children, and families receive humanitarian medical care in disaster areas.

CACIQUE CORPORATION is a company providing consulting services primarily related to construction in the international market. The company mottos are COSMOPOLITAN-cross-border business, ALLIANCE-reliable partnership, CONFIDENCE more than NDAs, INTEGRITY-trustful service.

Our services include new market development, feasibility studies for new projects, business feasibility studies, regulatory and incentive studies, partner identification, construction orders, and risk management. These services are provided by our overseas business experts who have a wealth of experience, creative ideas, and a network that has been cultivated.

Our clients include domestic and foreign government agencies, public offices, procurement agencies, construction companies, consultants, and construction material manufacturing companies.

Current areas of activity include Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.


Cross-border Business

We believe that the Success of International business can be secured only by who has Cosmopolitan mind of business. 


Reliable Partnership

We know that making a reliable partnership is difficult because of cultural differences between one country and another.  


More than NDA

We only start everything after signing Non-Disclosure Agreement to release from any risk of your business


Trustful Service

We provide the quality of service higher than you expect with smooth communication at any moment you need.